Topic started by SAAGAR (@ on Fri Nov 30 03:44:05 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Inviting forum hubbers to discuss on why the movie fails to impress us
despite it's flamboyance.

My views:
1. 75% of the movie revolves around Nandu.
Much importance has been given to his getup,characteristics and his psychic
activities.But most of what he does could not be digested by the audience.
A main character should either attract the audience,or get sympathy
or else should be completely hated by the audience for the character to
bcom successful.
Like the characters of Guna, Sigappu rojakkal hero (psychos)or a sappani gets our sympathy
and we feel close to the characters.
Nandu fails to bcom friendly with the viewer,he could not be hated,he could not be liked too.
it cannot be justified that all the senseless activities Nandu was doing in this
movie is bcoz he was psychic.
When he suddenly says in the last "Say sorry to Tejaswini",the movie became an absolute stupid.
.This movie is an out and out masala.Nowhere the movie is a research on a psycho but creates an impression as it is so
For that matter, kamal could have made a beautiful artistic movie with a similar theme, with
25 times less than it's current budget.And also would have won another National Award for kamal-probably.

I think this is the main reason for our dissatisfaction.

2.The screenplay is not boring but nowhere it is exciting.
There are incidents happening, but without any small,small surprises which
keeps a viewer interested in a thriller(as they claim) movie.

3.If Nandu wishes to kill Tejaswani(Raveena) to save his brother why did he try to crash down
the car both Vijay(Kamal II) and raveena were travelling?(This happens in a chase scene)

4.The Manisha-Nandu sequences were really funny and interesting.But the scenes does not make any
importance for the main plot.
5.Where is the KADAVUL?- "Kadavul Paadhi Manidhan Paadhi"- But all we see in the movie is a senseless Mirugam.
6.This could have been a great short story.True but there is no scope for a 3 hour movie.
6.Definitely as we all experienced the movie is terrific in many aspects.But it looks like a modern art with a lot of colors.
It is sad that Kamal's awesome hardwork has bcom a waste.
Aalavanndhan = " Vilanga Mudiyaa Kavidhai Dhaaan".


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