Could History repeat Itself???

Topic started by source (@ on Sun Feb 8 23:21:28 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

When MGR and Sivaji Ganesan were on a retiring age. On came actors like jai shanker and siva kumar, for a span of few years they were on top, everybody seems to think they will take over from MGR and Sivaji. This did not happen few years later Kamalhaasan and Rajinikant who were younger heros took over that 2 icons position.

Now in the 21st century. Kamal and Rajini are in that same retiring position. Actors like Vijay,Ajit,and even Vikram are just like Jai Shanker and Sivakumar in those days. Age are a factor. These actors could have crossed 30 years. The younger actors like Danush and Simbu are really the ones who will take over the 2 icons position.

so it reads like this. MGR,SIVAJI,RAJINI,KAMAL,DANUSH??,SIMBU?? or other young heros??


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