lets talk about 80s heroines

Topic started by ravi (@ rr-56-50-178.atl.mediaone.net) on Fri Jan 25 11:46:31 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Ambika - good looking, but average talents
Best Roles - ? (6.5/10)

Radha - beautiful, good talents but underutilised
Best roles - Muthal Mariyathai (8/10)

Shobana - stunning looks, superb actress and amazing dancer (9/10)
Best Roles - her mallu films and her movie with Bhagyaraj where her comedy was super

bhanupriya - another fantastic dancer and talented actress, but unfortunately very unlucky and reduced to doing silly glam roles in telugu, but great comeback on tv (7.5/10)
Best Roles - her tv serial

Revathi - cool looking and refined, excellent performaces throughout, great comedy timing (8.5/10)
Best roles - Pudimai penn, thevar magan, mouna ragam

Rekha - promising start, but fizzled somewhere. Interesting looks and good actress (6/10)
Best Roles - punagai manan

Nadia Moidu - totally cute, great fun actress ! where is she now ?? (8.5/10)
best roles - that super movie with padmini

sridevi - undisputed queen of cinema, glam + talent and really lucky with good roles (9/10)
best roles - too many, but stnadouts are moondram pirai, meedum kokila..

jaya pradha - easily the most homely and beautiful actress in india, but strange career path with several hits and misses (9/10)
best roles - sagara sangamam

Madhavi - whatta knockout totally stunning beauty, easily the sexiest south heroine, but sad career graph. (8/10)
Best Roles - ek duje ke liye, that movie with kamal

Silk Smita - queen of ooomph, well the best dance of south, but could act if given opportunity (8.5/10)
best roles - moondram pirai, avasara police 100

Disco Shanti - shadow of silk smita all the time, but she had her own brand of cheap glamour(6/10)
best role - ?


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