why always people keep on comparing Kamalhaasan and Rajinikanth?

Topic started by cine (@ bbcache-12.singnet.com.sg) on Tue Jan 20 08:37:46 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I just couldnt understand these people. I think these people comparing Rajinikanth and Kamalhaasan just couldnt stand both big shots being good friends. There are no points fighting over who is the best. Both these actors are best in their own styles. As for myself, i am a DieHard Hardcore fan of Kamalhaasan. But i also do not deny that Rajinikanth is a good actor too. If Kamalhaasan is capabale of giving us classic films like Hey Ram, Anbe Sivam and Virumaandi, Rajinikanth os also capable of giving us classic movie Thalapathy and Sri Ragavendhar. If Rajinikanth is capable of giving us comedy pieces like Veera, Thillu Mullu, etc.etc, Kamalhaasan is also capable of giving us good comedies like Thenali, Micheal Madhana Kaama Raajan etc.etc. So please do not compare these two best friends. Let us enjoy good movies from both these Stars.


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