vijay's new hit

Topic started by Sanjev (@ on Sat Feb 2 03:44:25 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Believe it or not but Tamil cine world says "Shahjahan" is a hit.

Within a week of its release, this film and "Aalavandhan" were declared as flops and "Dhavasi" and "Nanda" were declared as the hits of Deepawali, last year. Stories to that effect began circulating.

What had happened was this - "Dhavasi" had a satisfactory collection only at the B & C centers. "Nanda" was vice-versa. The movie did a stunning performance at a "A" centers and a very below-the-average run at the B & C centers. "Alavandhan" had a similar story too.

Statistics says that the only movie to have had a uniform run at all the centers was "Shajahaan". It had ran for an average 30 days in all the centers had managed to last till the Pongal releases arrived.

(It's a different story that at some theatres, "Nanda" & "Aalavandhan" had disappeared within two weeks)

So, Vijay's success streak extends to his fifth consecutive film. Congratulations, buddy!

For the fifth time running, who ever put vijay down, you can eat some dust.

haha he he hooo huhuhhu!

Go vijay...go vijay...go vijay.


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