National Award (Best Actor)

Topic started by INDIAN (@ on Mon Jul 28 08:42:33 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

1996 - KamalHaasan(Tamil)
1997 - SureshGopi & S.BalachandraMenon (Malayalam)
1998 - Mammooty(Malayalam)& AjayDevgan(Hindi)
1999 - Mohanlaal(Malayalam)
2000 - AnilKapoor(Hindi)
2001 - Murali(Malayalam)
2002 - AjayDevgan(Hindi)

Well it seems that for the past 6 years, the mallu and hindi actors have been dominating the best actor category.The last time a tamil actor who have won the award was 'Padmashri'KamalHaasan for his magnificent potrayal in the movie 'INDIAN'.After that, as you can see above but why,is our tamil actors lack of talent, i don't think so cos there are lot of great performers here. Is it that the national awards are biased towards our tamil actors,Even the late SIVAJI GANESAN whom is the greatest actor in the world was ignored here. The only tamil actors who have won the best actor award was M.G.R for RICKSHAWKARAN and KAMALHAASAN for MOONDRAM PIRAI,NAYAKAN AND INDIAN. pls post your thoughts


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