Why are kamal's movies either remakes or lifts from engish films?

Topic started by anand (@ on Thu Jul 15 08:12:12 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

1. Vettri Vizha - "Bourne Identity"
2. Michael Madana Kama Rajan - Khader Kashmiri's folk story. The climax, straight lift from Chaplin's "Gold Rush". Kamal was sued by Kashmiri over this.
3. Nammavar - "The Class of 1984"
4. Guna - Shades of "Rain man".
5. Nayakan - "The Godfather"
6. Avvai Shanmughi - "Mrs Doubtfire"
7. Thenali - "What About Bob?"
8. Panchathantiram - "Very Bad Things"
9. Satya - "Arjun"
10. Kuruthippunal - "Drohkaal"
11. Anbe Sivam - Shades of "Planes, Trains and Automobiles"
12. Vasool raja MBBS - "Munnabhai MBBS'

13. Kadhala kadhala - I forget the name.

any comments?


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