
Topic started by srk (@ on Tue Mar 5 08:44:33 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

the following is a newspiece from sify.com

Has the 20-year-old Kamal-Sarika marriage gone kaput? Chennai is abuzz with rumours making the round that Sarika has left Kamal and has gone back to Mumbai with her daughters. The reason for the break up is that Kamal, as he is getting older is becoming more of a narcissist than ever before. Those close to him say that his rising debts and audience rejection at the box office has left a deep scar on the star!

A few months back when Sarika had a fall from the terrace and was hospitalised in Mumbai, Kamal was not by her bedside as he was busy with his films. Though there were rumours at that time about the accident being a suicide attempt by the former actress, Kamal was able to tactfully put it under the carpet. Now to add a twist or the other woman theory, Kamal is said to be seeing a lot of Simran and getting close to her. During the New Zealand shoot of Pammal K.Sambandham where the song Sakala Kala Vallavane.... was shot. After a long time he opened his heart out and they became extremely close.

Later Simran obliged him by cancelling a Telugu film to give bulk dates to Kamal for Panchatanthiram. So what happens to Raju Sundaram? For the time being it looks like he is ?Kabab Mein Haddi?

isnt it shockin?I am a kamal fan myself,i found it very surprising,what do u guyz think about it?
or is it just work of rumor mills?


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