Motivation Songs in MGR movies

Topic started by Milton (@ on Mon Jan 6 11:57:14 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Though I am a Die-Hard Sivaji Fan,I love songs from MGR movies .Some of you may ask how can we attribute songs to MGR .I feel unlike other actors,MGR did give more importance to perfection of songs in his movie .Most of the MGR songs are super duper hits .Especially motivation songs in his movies are amazing .Many knows that even Kannadasan has written many songs for one requirement and MGR selected one of them ,sometimes even he suggested to change something according to his idea .Motivation songs in MGR movies are refreshing even now which has real content.

I list some of my favourites..

1. Chinna payale Chinna payale -Arasilankumari
2. Thoongathe thampi thonggathe -Naadodi mannan
3. Moontrezuthil en moochirukkum - Theiva thaai
4. Nalla perai vaanga veendum pillaigale- Nam naadu
5. OOdi oodi uzhaikkanum -Nalla neram
6. Tharmam thalai kaakkum -Tharmam thalai kaakum
7 .Nenjamundu nermayundu -En annan
8. Yen entra kelvi -AAyirathil oruvan
9 .Thirudathe paapa thirudathe -Thirudathe
10 .Nalla nalla pillaigalai nampi -Petraal thaan pillaiya
11.Naan yen piranthen -?
12 Chirithu vaazha vendum -Ulagam sutrum vaalipan
13 Oru thaai vayitril -Urimai kural
14 Enna thaan nadakkum nadakkattume
15 Enakkoru magan pirappan
16. Annamitta kai nammai aaki vitta kai
17 .Ulagam piranthathu enakkaga
18 .Naalai ulagai aaLa vendum Puradchi malargale-Ulakkum karangal
19. Naan aanayittal-Enga veetu Pillai
20 .Acham enbathu madamayada -Mannathi mannan.


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