Devotional Films

Topic started by Unmai (@ on Thu Feb 21 02:35:04 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Every since the success of the Tamil dubbed Telugu movie, Amman, the directors of Tamil nadu are trying to market devotional films.

And they are successful no matter how ridiculous the movies are. Not only do they have a ridiculous plot, the excess use of graphics turns the entire movie into a joke. In fact, Amman has lost her standard in these devotional films. In fact, there is easy access to God as you can find her either in the next room or the nearest Veppalai maram.

What's with these directors? Why can't they take a decent devotional film that is believable and people can relate to.

If u ask me, the only devotional film that is a classic and worth watching a million times is Thiruvilaiyaadal.


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