this why jay jay flops badly

Topic started by vj rulessssssssssss (@ on Thu Nov 20 02:56:13 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Amoga falls in love with Madhavan just runs behind him when he invites her to have a cup of coffee immediately after their first meeting. Do girls fall in love so easily? Is it possible?

Has Madhavan studied Law? How is it that Madhavan and his friends continue to stay in the Hostel even after finishing studies?

Writing on currency notes is an offence against law more over, the whole movie rotates around a 100 rupee note which has Amoga's address and phone number written on both sides.

How is it that the 'Dada' brothers of Pooja agree to her marrying Madhavan?

'May Madham?' is not a dream song. Reema Sen who dances at the Vishakapatnam Railway station, dances with a variety of clothes on. Where and how did she change her clothes so quickly?


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