Astro Vanavil Talent Quest 2003 - Disaster of the Year

Topic started by jeyshri mahadhev (@ on Sat May 3 01:54:19 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I know that with comments flying around about the finals of the VTQ, many studio audience like myself would have expected it as the the discrepancy begin even in quarters and semis already.

Those of us present at earlier stages already notice that some of the contestant were given more priority in songs, attire etc., and help behind the scenes. As members of audience I felt disgusted at the way Vanavil manipulated to put its "preferred" artises to pass through quarters to semis, and then semis to final.

So, the point is even those who made to final - I am not sure if EVERYONE there deserves to be in the final. Maybe Saravana Kumar, Valarmathi, Ravidas and Madhanraj. Okaylah - maybe the boys who were in final deserved to be there. The comments...except that some of these people already got special privilege in earlier stages. I was there.

Anyway, I know now what actually goes on and I have not much respect for Vanavil or its local judges. Judges must not be influenced by vanavil's management. If they are forced to judge under influence, then back out! Dont lower your maruah!

I think we Malaysian Indians have to stop using our clout and influence for once and just use our talent and hard works to get to the top. If you dont get to the top, your talent will still wins you respect. Now, with this scandal, who will respect next year's winners - even if they won based on their pure talent?


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