what is the differents between kollyhood and bollyhood.

Topic started by arun b.v.k (@ proxy.ece.iisc.ernet.in) on Wed Apr 7 03:31:49 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

i define 10 differents between these 2.
1. in tamil story is main, in hindi only for entertraineer.
2. in tamil acting is important, in hindi glamor is main.
3. in tamil too remakes, in hindi fresh stories but now it is changing.
4. in tamil more different director, music, lyrics, dance, backdrop, etc. in hindi most of the things are similar to other movie or director or music there is no special.
5. in tamil there is more sentement thing, and weeping seens, in hindi some time.
6. in tamil cine feild there is ego thing between dircetors, actors, actress, in other side also but in hindi ther is no ego between stars they acts together in most of the movies in last year there are 8 movies with top heros act together,ex, sharukhan ahmitab, akshay, ajaydevagan,etc. they act with new comer also but in tamil no chance to act in one flim with two heros is there but very very vvv lessmovies.
7. in tamil more important to sentement and homely things but hindi only for mordenthing
8. in tamil heorins dressed neatly(but now is changing his roat)in hindi heroins dressed vvvvvvvvvery valgurli and very sexy.
9. tamil moveis realeases are 50 to 60 movies succeses are 20 to 30 but in hindi there are 70 to 80 movies but succeses are only 10 to 15.
10. tamil movie musics are very catchee and good(now tamil also changing his style but also some songs are very good to hear) but i hindi very high beet sounds and same tracks.


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