Khusboo lambastes critics of boys..sigh of relief(must read)

Topic started by as (@ on Mon Sep 22 03:34:16 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Recently,khusboo was in malaysia for the launch of IntenationalTamil Film Awards.When asked about the controversy caused by boys, she felt the detractors of boys were unfair..
'These people are bunch of hypocrites.They do far worse things but keep them confined within the four walls of their bedroom and homes.I've known people,mothers at that,who have gone and seen the film with their daughters.One family saw the film three times and they thoroughly enjoyed the film.Most women have an open mind and i'm sure the movie will have a good run(agreed).I don't find anything wrong with boys.It's a simple story of boys growing up and it captures the experience they go through.There's no sexploitation to make a quick buck.If shankar wanted to make a sex movie ,he could have made it for a few lakhs.There's no need to spend crores and take huge risk'..(concluded)

Finally there is a sane person in tamil nadu..I agree on what khusboo said..I still feel that boys is a sincere effort from shankar without any bad intentions..Anyway,for ur info,boys is the top movie for 2003 in malaysia.It rejuvenated cinemas in malaysia..distributors made money..and an interesting fact..girls are enjoying the movie compared to guys..

Boys haters,any comments??


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