Best performances in Mani Ratnam movies

Topic started by Raju (@ on Sun Apr 7 00:03:58 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

We all know that Mani Ratnam gets the best performances of the actors he get with. So, here's my opinion on the best performances given throughout Mani Ratnam's career.

1)Best actor - Kamal Hassan (Nayagan) - Easily the best performance I have seen in a Mani Ratnam movie. I still get amazed everytime I see him in this movie

Close-up - Mohanlal (Iruvar)

2)Best actress - Revathi (Mouna Raagam) - I saw this movie recently and I never thought any actress, in a Mani Ratnam movie, has performed better than Revathi

Close-up - Simran (Kannathil Muthamittal)

3)Best supporting actor - Karthik (Mouna Raagam)
Every time I see actors like Aravind Swamy, Madhavan, etc., I'm reminded of Karthik in Mouna Raagam. Karthik is the person who started the heartthrob role continued by Aravind and Madhavan.
Definitely the best supporting performance I've seen in a Mani Ratnam movie.

Close-up - Nasser (Bombay)

4)Best supporting actress - Tabu (Iruvar) - Very understated, subtle performance.

Runner-up - Bhanupriya (Dalapathi)

So, there are my choices. I like to hear yours.


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