Ajith keep repeating that he will take over Superstar position

Topic started by Jeeva (@ on Wed Oct 29 10:18:27 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Ajith has reiterated his ambitious claim that: - 'It will be for the cinegoers to decide whom to be the super star once after watching the film 'Aanjaneya'.

Following is the brief about Ajith's interview offered to a weekly:

I am an ardent fan of Rajini sir. I have mentioned a lot about him in interviews from my initial days till this moment in cine industry. It's none other than Rajini to be a super star in Tamil cinema. It will not be for the others who have gained their entry later to become a super star. Those latecomers can call themselves as Shahrukh khan, Amir khan, Salman khan like in Hindi but not themselves a super star.

He has said any one can become a super star. Many will join the queue after it has been said so by himself on stage. Now I am eager to be the first in the queue pushing behind all others. I want that chair for sure.

The film 'Aanjaneya' is my application for that posting. Let the people say whether Ajith is suitable enough or not after watching the film, which will be released on Deepavali. I have submitted my application thro my efforts in the film 'Aanjaneya'. No body has the right to ask why is he ambitious? Because it's my right. It's not wrong to be ambitious. Let the people decide whether i am suitable or not.

I am not asking for nothing. Look at my application. Look at my records. Look at my bio data. Who else apart from me can be ambitious? I want that super star posting (chair) I want, want.

(Bangs the table to make it his strong point.)



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