Our state frankly sucks right now

Topic started by Shankaran (@ hil-102-182.reshall.berkeley.edu) on Tue Nov 11 17:29:34 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The current CM has now succeeded not only in embezzling crores of public money, and misusing the police force to make political arrests, but also in suppressing the freedom of press. The reason for all of this nonsense is the petty partisan politics of the state. Politicial parties should be arranged towards ideology in running the government not among ethnic lines. All of the "DMKS" AIADMK, DMK, MDMK, etc..should change the DMK to EMK, ellarum (everybody) munnetra ... rather than Dravida Munnetra...Dravidians, Brahmins, Jains, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, it doesn't matter. The political parties should not be organized to exclusive groups, but rather around varying political ideologies, for example, conservative economic policies vs. socialism, etc. This type of votemongering by appealing to specific members of society actually leads to what jaya is doing now, misusing public resources to make sure that no dissension about her is revealed, so that she can increase her chances of staying in power.


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