Excellent Article on Missionaries

Topic started by Karuvayan (@ cs2417534-176.austin.rr.com) on Fri Jul 18 03:33:13 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.


"Christian evangelists face an uphill task making themselves acceptable among the communities they work, who often see them, and generally rightly so, as seeking to propagate and impose alien cultural norms along with their faith. Since many, and not just Muslims alone, regard the evangelists as propagandists for ‘western’ culture, the evangelical project has come up against major hurdles. As a way around this barrier, a growing number of evangelists working in Muslim countries are today experimenting with what is in evangelical circles fashionably called ‘inculturation’ or ‘contextualisation’. Put simply, what this means is that the evangelist seeks to disguise his message in the cultural forms of the population he seeks to target. By doing so, Christianity is made to appear as culturally familiar and therefore more easily acceptable. In India, for instance, numerous evangelists are now engaged in articulating a ‘Hindu’ Christianity: Mother Mary abandons her long, flowing gown for a rich silk sari, Jesus is painted brown and the Om appears alongside the cross atop the steeple of the church, which is now made to look like a temple. The Time tells us of similar experiments being made by evangelists in Muslim lands. Some evangelists disguise themselves as Sufis and hope to be able to pass off as Muslim mystics; others set up what they call ‘Jesus mosques’; and yet others go to the extent of publicly reciting the Muslim creed: “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is His prophet”!"

So it is this 'Incluturation' that is driving Christian missionaries to declare that the so called "Dravidian" Shaiva Siddhantam is a Christian Religion.


AJ, Kumar, Gopalan and all of you - I want your honest comments on that article. Read it fully.


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