Tirumular on the Vedas and Saiva Siddhantam

Topic started by Karuvayan (@ cs2417546-174.austin.rr.com) on Mon Mar 17 16:12:41 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

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"The Veda with the Agama is the truth; they are the word of the Lord: these revelations of the Lord are to be studied as the general and the special doctrines; on enquiry they are taken to be different as giving rise to two different sets of conclusions: but to the great ones they are non different." It is in Tirumantiram we first come across the word Siddhantam. In one place, Tirumular says:-

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"Since the soul attains salvation in Siddhanta, the devotees of Siddhanta become Jivan-Muktas; as Siddhanta is the quintessence of all the Vedas, it is the right path that will discover Siva."

I am sure our pal, Periyar Muttal will now brand Tirumular as a low caste hindu. Say Periyar Muttal, why don't you start a new religion yourself. Theyby you and your cronies can worship kushboo, EVR and Karunanidhi.


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