Let us all irrespective of Religion, Race, Caste or Creed accept "Thirukkural" as our Code of Ethics and create a morally, socially, and ethically highly developed Society in Tamil Nadu, and elsewhere in the World.

Topic started by R.Sri Hari (@ modem57.bayrac1.eureka.lk) on Sat Feb 22 13:52:46 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

“Thirukkural” is an ancient treatise on the Code of Ethics composed in Tamil by the great Sage-Poet "Thiruvalluvar" of Tamil Nadu - South India

“Kural” means - a two lined verse. Thirukkural means a “holy two lined verse”. This treatise on the Code of Ethics has 1330 such Kurals enshrined in them – being the great sayings of Sage Thiruvalluvar on various aspects of the human life.

Historically Thiruvalluvar lived during the latter part of first century B.C. - as far as the modern research shows, which dates long before the composition of the two Tamil epic poems of Tamil Nadu - namely the Silappathikaram and Manimehalai, which is evidenced by a reference to a Thirukkural and the Sage Thiruvalluvar in Manimehalai as follows.

“Theivam tholaal kolunat tholuthu eluvaal peiyenap peiyum malai entru ap Poiyyil Pulavan porul urai theraai”

Manimehalai - Sirai sei Kaathai – line 60/61 (The work belongs to the period around A.D.175)

His treatise was composed in an era of social setting, when divisions of Tamil Nadu were under different Sovereigns and governed by autocratic rule. However “almost the entire set of Codes specified in Thirukkural” are still applicable to all sections of the World Societies - with modern social outlook in a democratic autonomy, with ultra modern living comforts and very far advanced science & technology of the third millenium.

Though Sage Thiruvalluvar was born a Hindu by religion, he composed his treatise to suit the entire humanity, irrespective of any bias towards a particular religion cast or creed. This has made Thirukkural to be acclaimed by many as a Universal Code of Ethics.

Hence the people professing various other World religions can equally embrace "Thirukkural" as their Code of Ethics, in addition to the “Religious Teachings” of their great Prophets.

“All Religious Teachings” guides people towards God to achieve salvation from all the sins of their past birth, and what has been already done in this birth wittingly or unwittingly, and to lead a life free of - sufferings both mentaly and physically and of all other shortcomings in this birth, and to have the next birth - of much superior life or attainment of glory of being with the God free from anymore birth and in eternal bliss.

“All Code of Ethics” are sayings which guides people in this birth to lead an “ethical orderly and clean life” being helpful to themselves and to the other - human beings and living beings, showing love and care for them ensuring not to hurt them either mentally or physically, and making the life in this birth worthy of living - achieving the best with great name and much fame in the society ”.

Hence Thirukkural as a Code of Ethics not biased in particular towards any religion (samayam), caste (kulam) or creed (goththiram) - is an ideal guidance socially to all people around the World.

The interest in Thirukkural have come to such a great extent from all quarters of the World, resulting in same being translated into many World languages.

The details of the available translations of “Thirukkural” in the other Languages are as follows.

Indian Languages: Benglai, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Sanskrit, Telugu, Urudu.

Asian Languages: Burmese, Chinese, Malay, Sinhala, Fiji.

European Languages: Chek, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Latin, Polish, Russian, Swedish

{Information by courtesy of Mr T.Kanagaratnam from his essay titled “Research on Thirukkural and it’s translations in Foreign Languages”}

From the above we note, that “it was no wonder” the great Tamil Poet of the twentieth century the “Maha Kavi Subramaniya Bharathiyar” rightly and justifiably acclaimed as,

<“…….Valluvan thannai Ulahinitke thanthu, van pugal konda ThamilNadu……”

So let us all irrespective of Religion, Caste & Creed read through ourselves the “great Sayings” of the Thirukkural and benefit from same. We shall also encourage every others as much as possible, to study and benefit from this great work on the Code of Ethics by the Thamil Kudimahan the Sage Thiruvalluvar.



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